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Business in a day: a fantastic day!
Durante l'incontro di progetto svoltosi a Londra, a marzo 2014, abbiamo avuto modo di partecipare ad un'interessante esperienza live con gli alunni della Holy Trinity School: Business in a day. Coadiuvati da un gruppo di trainers, i bambini, insieme alle loro docenti hanno progettato, creato e venduto una serie di souvenirs, comprendendo in maniera pragmatica concetti quali: profitto, catena di montaggio, sprito di gruppo, pubbicità e promozione di un prodotto.
Faendo seguito a quella esperienza, abbiamo contattato uno degli esperti della Enabling Enterprise, la società formatrice che ha coadiuvato le "operazioni" nella scuola londinese. Chris Cuckson ,ci ha offerto in suo pieno contributo, non solo offrendoci il materiale originale con sui lavorare, ma partecipando attivamente all'iniziativa.
Così, sabato 8 novembre 2014, la scuola è rimasta eccezionalmente aperta per 4 classi che hanno partecipato a questa fantastica esperienza!
During our project visit in London ,in March 2014, we had the occasion to participate to an interesting experience with pupils of the Holy Trinity Primary School: the "Businnes in a Day". Helped by a grour of trainers, the children, in one day lesson, designed, made and sell some souvenirs, thus pragmatically understanding some technical concepts like profit, production line, teamwork, advertisment and promotion of a product.
Once in our country we got in touch with Chris Cuckson, one of the teachers of the Enabling Enterprise, the training company responsible for the "operation" at Trinity School. He offered us his full contribution, not only by sharing all their original resources, but even coming to our school to guide us in our "mission". Our students were simply excited at the idea that an English teacher would have helped them in their task. And finally it was an amazing and really fruitful experience, also thanks to the didactic and communicative skill of our guest.
Our school exceptionally opened on Saturday for those classes which participated to the events. The results were all positive either in terms of what the students learned or for the way they did it. A lively, involving, integrated, cooperative, open work has been done: that's the school we like.
Business in a day
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"Il Mattino" di Napoli
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