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corals and sea treasures

CORAL TOWER by  5th  Graders

 Last year we have learned a lot about our territory, our traditions and entrepreneurship. Now we are ready to start our own businness...

What to do first?

Well, first of all we have worked on the creation of a logo, something very important for a company.... See below the results of our creativity

We voted for the best one....

And the winner is......

Now that the logo is chosen, it's time to "formally" set up our company. First we have distributed the tasks: in fact, according to our "talents",we all have our own role within the company.

Here you can have a look at our organisation chart====>


Then, with the help of an expert, we have learned how to make a budget, and fill in an invoice. Our designer have been guided to make projects and realize products. We have spent our budget to buy the materials to create our jewels.


Allorché il logo è stato ideato e votato, abbiamo "formalmente" costituito la nostra società. Ognuno ha il suo proprio ruolo all'interno di essa, ruoli scelti sulla base deinostri "talenti".

Passando alla fase operativa, con l'aiuto di un esperto, abbiamo imparato cosa significa fare un preventivo di spesa, compilare un ordine d'acquisto e compilare una fattura.

Le nostre designer hanno progettato e realizzato i gioielli. Abbiamo usato il budget a nostra disposizione per acquistare il materiale occorrente e abbiamo realizzato i nostri gioielli...che attendono di essere venduti in occasione della Comenius Fair.







Developing the project.... YEAR 2...

Nel corso del secondo anno di progetto, gli alunni hanno sviluppato le attività concernenti le "Virtual Companies". Diversi sono stati i tagli dati ai lavori dei ragazzi, poiché si è cercato di approfondire vari aspetti della tradizione artigianale e imprenditoriale del nostro territorio.....

During the second year we developped the activities concerning our Virtual companies. 

According to the class, the students have focused their works on different fields, deepening their roots in our cultural background....


Here are our virtual companies. Click on the icons to see our works.....


by 3rd Graders - Middle School

Siamo partiti dalla ricognizione sul territorio di attività legate al nostro contesto artigianale. In classe abbiamo discusso dell'assetto da dare alla nostra società virtuale: da varie discussioni la scelta è andata alla cooperativa, in quanto ci piaceva l'idea di avere ruoli interscambiabili con piena condivisione delle responsabilità


We started form a ricognition on the territory to found out information about our cultural working traditions. Then we discussed about the kind of company we would have like to form: we have chosen to set up a cooperative: In this way we could share the responsabilities and the tasks

Furthermore we have interviewed a local entrepreneur, who talked about his own experience on the field. 

To understand hot to manage a real business, the students interviewed a businessman. They elaborated a questionnaire and then, democratically they chose a representative who made the interview. The result has been recorded in a video, arranged and published by the students themselves. Here it is... Enjoy it

Furthermore we have designed our logo which we created among different options. Our drafts were made with traditional tools, i.e. pencils and rubbers.... But then to create to final one we have used the computer!!!


Here's our work in progress.....

....and our products, waiting to be sold at the Comenius Exhibition...

Classe 5 c
Classe 3 b - scuola media

MY JEWELS  - Coral and precious stones

by 4th/5th Graders

  • Why this company?

the students set up this virtual company in order to deepen and  foster the knowledge of one of the most ancient  job in our country, practised by our grandparents and even before: the manifacturing of corals and precious stones.

  • How have we organised our company?

We worked in open- classes with mixed up groups chosen from 4th and 5th graders of the institute, under the logic of the peer tutoring. Within the company the children have different roles, the same required in a real company.

  • How have we worked after the distribution of the tasks?

We have arranged a lab, where the students started the production line. They have designed and realised different kind of products: from the colorful necklaces to the original paperweight decorated with corals, stones, shells and starfish.


The name has been democratically voted by the group as well as the logo. And the roles within the company have been chosen according to the students attitudes and talents.


See our work in progress...... 


  • Perchè questa società?

Questa virtual company è nata con l'intento di far conoscere ai paesi partners uno dei lavori pù diffusi, fin dai tempi dei nostri bisnonni e ancor prima, tra gli abitanti della nostra città: la lavorazione del corallo e delle pietre dure.

  • Come è stata organizzata questa società?

Le classi 4^A e 5^A del Plesso Bianchini  hanno lavorato per gruppi misti aclassi aperte nella logica el peer tutoring. Gli launni hanno ricoperto ruoli diversi all'interno della società, così come previsto all'interno di una vera ditta di produzione. I ruoli sono stati distribuiti tenendo conto dei loro talenti

  • Come si è proceduto dopo l'assegnazione dei ruoli?

Si è allestito un laboratorio, in cui gli alunni hanno dato inizio allalavorazione e alla realizzazione dei manufatti che erano stati progettati e disegnati (gioielli, portagioie, fermacarte e suppellettili varie decorati con corallo, pietre dure, conchiglie e stelle marine)

Il nome della società e stato votato tra varie proposte, così come anche il logo,  nell'ottica di una pina partecipazione di tutti alla realizzazone di un obiettivo comune. 

coral and precious stones

4 C==> Creative Collection Coral and Company by 4th Graders



4 C Creative Collection
i tesori del mare

I TESORI DEL MARE - The treasures of the sea.

Pupils of Grade 2, have participated in the Comenius Project. The activities developped throughout the 2 years, have been mostly laboratorial, due to  children's age and competences.

They start their work by the knowlegde of their town....and so...a visit to the bay with its port could not be missed.

They learned alot about the old tradition of fishing, and collecting corals and sponge with the peculiar boats called "Coralline" and "Spugnare"; moreover they saw, maybe for the first time some of the  old instruments used on the boats and ship.





Afterwards the pupils were guided to think about a possible use of the gifts of the seas…and many were the ideas which came out.

They were introduced the to concepts which at a first glance could seem difficult for children of that age….but then…we’ve seen that children always surprise you.

Words as Company, Logo, profits, become very understandable if turned in something closer to them. They understand the importance of working in group sharing the responsibilities for a common purpose.

As for the logo, the advertisement language is something children are used to, and they were easily guided to choose a name and designed a logo for their  Company.


To share the responsibilities within the Company, pupils were asked to answer a questionnaire, whose results determined their inclinations and, therefore, their role within the group. That questionnaire was in fact borrowed by the one used in the event “Businnes in a day” organized in our school with the help of the English  trainer Chris Cuckson  from Enabling Enterprise: a good example of sharing best practice.

. In each group, children drew their own projects, bought the raw materials needed and then….AT WORK!




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